Thursday, February 8, 2007


Collage (From the French, coller, to stick) is regarded as a work of visual arts made from an assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new whole. Read the Wikipedia information on collage.

Photomontage, Digital collage

Digital collage is the technique of using computer tools in collage creation to encourage chance associations of disparate visual elements and the subsequent transformation of the visual results through the use of electronic media. Take a look at Collage for information, in particular Photomontage.

Try creating your own collage with the Collage Machine.

Alejandro Puga - a Surrealist collage artist

Cubist painter, Pablo Picasso, invented the collage technique in 1912 with his Still Life with Chair Caning (Nature-morte à la chaise cannée), in which he pasted a patch of oilcloth with a chair-cane design to the canvas of the piece.

Cubomania is a method of making collages in which a picture or image is cut into squares and the squares are then reassembled without regard for the image.

Robert Rauschenberg

By 1962, Rauschenberg's paintings were beginning to incorporate not only found objects but found images as well--photographs transferred to the canvas by means of the silkscreen process. Previously used only in commercial applications, silkscreen allowed Rauschenberg to address the multiple reproducibility of images, and the consequent flattening of experience that that implies. In this respect, his work is exactly contemporaneous with that of Andy Warhol, and both Rauschenberg and Johns are frequently cited as important forerunners of American Pop Art.

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